It’s been a while since I have checked in with a new post. Kinda got sidetracked with roughly a hundred other things that came my way. This year has ushered in quite a few changes. Here’s what’s happened while I was away.

So one of the last posts I published was about my run for City Commission. Well, I managed to win… ?. I thought I had a decent chance, but understood it would be very hard to do. The months since have been filled with meetings, meetings about meetings, and reading in preparation for meetings. I am learning quite a bit and enjoying to process.

The week of the election I also took on a new role at the Department of Health. My supervisor retired after many years of excellent service and I was promoted to a new position as a division director. Thankfully, I have a great team of co-workers who have made this transition easy. I now lead the eHealth Innovations and Communication Division. We oversee the Quality Improvement, Communications, Workforce Development and Informatics departments of the agency.

Lastly, a couple of weeks ago I turned 40. ?

It hasn’t been so bad. I am not planning any mid-life crisis or anything. In truth, I never gave much thought about it until the day was here. For better or worse, I have never set too many expectations about what I thought my life would be like at 40. As I sat reflecting on the milestone though, I came to realize just how fortunate I am. I am in good health. I have a loving wife and great kids. Several jobs lol.

Sure there are things I could complain about. However, I don’t have any problems a couple hundred extra bucks couldn’t fix. That is not the case for many people. I am thankful the Lord has been merciful to me other these last 40 years and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

So those are the big-ticket items between my last post and today. Of course, there were also:
An *almost* World Series trip I will have to find time to write about
And much more.

I am trying to make it a priority in the third quarter of 2018 to return to more regular updates. We shall see how it goes.