Welcome to the Toolbox!

Below is a curated list of products, books, apps, and websites that I use as tools and resources to support a healthy, mindful life. While I do have formal relationships with some of the products listed, those partnerships exist because I genuinely love using them and reached out to the companies myself.

I am not paid to promote anything on this list. However, some links are affiliate links, meaning I may receive a small commission if you decide to try something out.

I update this list regularly as I discover new resources or stop finding value in certain items. If you know of something you think I should try, feel free to let me know!


The Way App – my current go to for meditation training and practice.

Meditation Cushion – I’m old and unless I am in a yoga practice, I prefer to sit on this cushion.

Moleskine Journals – For the last 6 years I’ve used Moleskines to document my life and work. Currently using the pocket sized squared Cahier’s journal.

Cross Pens – Can’t journal without a pen and I’ve loved this one since Jennifer bought it a couple years ago.

Kindle Paper White – My preference is hardbacks but I’ve my kindle as well.

Kindle Unlimited Subscription – Can’t have a Kindle…well you can’t but the unlimited subscription opens up 1000s of books for one low price.

Bookshop.org – I love Amazon as much as the next person. Well, actually I don’t. It’s more of a necessary evil. So I buy books from here. It’s an online retailer that sources their books from independent bookstores around the country.

Audible Subscription – yes, I listen to audiobooks and yes they still “count” as reading. Best $15/month that I spend.

Hoopla Digital/Libby – these are actually two different services, but your local library may use one or both to check out ebooks. Visit your local library to see!


Eight Sleep – it’s not an exaggeration to say this is maybe our favorite health and wellness thing. Jenn swears by it. Temperature controlled mattress pad. Game changer.

Sleep Mask – lots of good ones on the market. This is what I use.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses – again, lots to choose from that all do basically the same thing. These are what I use.


Altra Running Shoes – I’ve tried several “natural” or “barefoot” style running shoes. My current shoes are Altra’s Rivera 3’s. Love these for the wide toe box.

Alter Ego Running – love their hates and sunglasses.

Roka – my favorite pair of sunglasses. Stay on your face without slipping in almost every environment.

Nike Running App – not really sure this is the best or most feature rich. But I started with this app 15 years ago and I have been loyal to it.

Crz Yoga – This is Jenn’s favorite yoga pants. Better than anything she has tried from Lulu and at half the price!

Liforme Yoga Mats – best yoga mats on the market for my dollar. Come to Engedi and try on if you think I am kidding 😉

Manduka Yoga Blocks – we use the cork ones in the studio. Sturdy and antimicrobial.

Whoop Fitness – that strap you see me wearing? Yeah. It’s a Whoop. Medical grade fitness and recovery tracker. Most robust features and science informed on the market. Perfect for data nerds 🤓

TRX Bands – a staple in our home gym. You can get a great workout just with these straps. Plus they are easy to travel with.

Core Home Fitness Adjustable Dumbbells – I’ve seen others on the market but these are what we use at home. Great construction and a reasonable price point.


Maximum Vibrance – other than creatine, this is the only other supplement I take. Pre-biotic, probiotic, vegan protein and all the vitamins and minerals you need in one serving.

Chronometer/Macrofactor – I like both of these food tracking apps for different reasons. You can use Chromometer for free but Macrofactor is paid only. both are excellent so it just comes down to which form factor you like the best.

NEW Momentous Supplements – The supplement industry is the Wild West sine it goes largely unregulated. That’s why I love Momentous. All there products are third party tested so you know that what’s on the label is what’s in the bottom. I use three of their products – The Grass Fed Whey Protein, Creatine, and Fish Oil.

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