Tom Petty was right, the waiting is the hardest part. Christmas has a good way of reminding us of this truth. Kids wait for the bounty of Christmas morning. Most adults though are waiting for something else.

The world isn’t the way it should be. Pain and brokenness have entered in. But, during the first week of Advent, we are reminded that a Rescuer is coming. One who will set everything right.

So, during the second week of Advent, we light the Bethlehem candle and turn our thoughts towards preparation. While we wait for our Champion, we prepare for his coming.

It is hard to sustain readiness when the wait is long. How many thousands of years passed between the Garden and Bethlehem? Complacency sets in. “Someday” turns into “not yet” which leads to “maybe never”.

Advent Vigilance

That is why we mark Advent. Doing so helps us remain vigilant. We light the candle and remember that God is about His work and we need to be about ours.

He has placed us in communities to love. He has surrounded us with opportunities to serve. We create the Kingdom on earth and we create the space in our hearts for Christmas hope to reside.

Let’s not lose the rhythms of work and rest this holiday season. Let’s prepare our hearts and city for the return of the King. As we celebrate the first Advent that took place two thousand years ago, let us not lose sight that the second Advent is on its way.