Posts tagged with: Video

(Re)Introducing Myself to the Community

Even after serving my first term as a City Commissioner in Bartow, there are still people who don’t know me, my family, or my background. So, now that we are back in campaign season I’ve filmed a very short video (re)introducing myself. The video will... Read More

Video: $2 Well Spent

Jennifer and Anna made a trip to the Brandon Mall this afternoon. Anna needed a new dress for our upcoming Daddy/Daughter Dance. After Anna “said yes to the dress” they made their way to the Carousel. Jennifer took this cute video. I dare you not... Read More

Flipgram: 2013 in Pictures

  Jennifer put together a bunch of our favorite moments from the last year. So many good memories…     Happy New Year everyone!... Read More

Video: Seems Like an Appropriate Reaction

At a recent Christmas party our 2 year old, Max, couldn’t believe the tower he worked so hard on had the audacity to collapse. Hilarity ensured.... Read More