Posts tagged with: Kids

Learning About the Finer Things

I love this picture that Jennifer took of Anna getting ready for ballet. I grew up in a family of 3 boys. We lived at a ballpark, not a dance studio. But, I have enjoyed learning more about the “finer” things in life. Having girls... Read More

Video: Seems Like an Appropriate Reaction

At a recent Christmas party our 2 year old, Max, couldn’t believe the tower he worked so hard on had the audacity to collapse. Hilarity ensured.... Read More

A Less Crowded Christmas

Quite a bit has changed in twelve months. This time last year we had two extra rug rats running around the house. As foster parents, our number of children seemed to constantly change. The most we ever had at one time was four kids- 1... Read More

Dads, Tuck Your Kids in at Night

Dads, tuck your kids into bed at night. This is one of the most generous gifts Jennifer has given to me. I work a lot. I always have. The major drawback is that by the time I get home from work and we sit down... Read More

Dance Buddies

Anna snuck an iPod into her dance bag but came home with a cute picture. Read More