Posts tagged with: Anna

Going from Two Drivers to Three

They always tell you not to blink. Well, I guess I know now why. When I got up to go to work today there were only two drivers in the house. Now there are three.  I took her out yesterday for a test drive. Learning... Read More

Learning About the Finer Things

I love this picture that Jennifer took of Anna getting ready for ballet. I grew up in a family of 3 boys. We lived at a ballpark, not a dance studio. But, I have enjoyed learning more about the “finer” things in life. Having girls... Read More

Opposite Yet Similar

It would be difficult to imagine two more opposite kids. Physically, sure but there is more. Anna is thoughtful, reserved and has a sensitive spirit. Max… Max is pure Id. Raw emotion. No off switch or pause button. He is all GO or all STOP.... Read More

Lowes Ridin’

#lowes #nicehat #siblings #max #anna... Read More

4th of July Monsters

Happy 4th!... Read More