Posts tagged with: Advent

Christmas is for Everyone

Everything about the Christmas story is designed to remind us that the birth of Jesus is good news for everyone. The natural form of this world is to favor those with access to money, power, and privilege. The system is rigged. The rich get richer,... Read More

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Tom Petty was right, the waiting is the hardest part. Christmas has a good way of reminding us of this truth. Kids wait for the bounty of Christmas morning. Most adults though are waiting for something else. The world isn’t the way it should be.... Read More

The Hope of Christmas

Of the many emotions conjured up by the Christmas season, hope deserves a spot at the top of the list. The first week of Advent recognizes and celebrates the entrance of hope with the lighting of the Prophesy candle. If you believe Sally Lloyd-Jones (and... Read More

Advent Resources

Advent season is almost here and that is an incredibly good thing. I don’t remember a time where our culture (and me personally) needed it so much. Advent is comprised of the four Sunday’s leading up to Christmas. It is an important part of the... Read More