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Peace Enough to Sleep

James and Peter have been arrested. James, one of Peter’s dearest friends has been executed. Peter awaits the same fate. And how does he spend the night? Sleeping peacefully in his cell. Oh, that I might that this type of faith!...

What Gets Measured…Gets Done

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “What gets scheduled gets done.” I think this is largely true, but have also found a more helpful axiom when it comes to completing my goals – “What gets measured, gets done.“ I’ve done a lot of reading this...

Things Just Got Real

Today was the first official day of candidate qualifying for the Bartow City Commission. That means all the paperwork that is required to run for a seat on the commission is due this week. Around noon today, I dropped everything off with the City Clerk....

Book Review – Finish

I used to keep a Post-It note on my computer screen that read “LAND THE PLANE”. It was a simple yet powerful reminder to finish what I start. I love new ideas. I allow them to take off from my mental airport on a daily...

Diamonds are Forever – Bartow Chamber Annual Event

Jennifer and I had a great time at the annual Bartow Chamber event. Each year they pick a theme. This year was “Diamonds are Forever”, a play on James Bond. While no one would ever mistake me for Bond, I think my wife makes a...

CBR – Not the Amount that Matters

It’s not the amount of faith that matters, but rather learning to be faithful with whatever faith the Lord has given to you. Luke 17:5-6...

Book Review – StoryBrand

Like most people, I first came across Donald Miller in his book, “Blue Like Jazz”. Anyone who read that memoir of a man trying to make sense of early adulthood in the Pacific Northwest will have a hard time reconciling that image with the man...

Meditation For People Who Aren’t Really Weird

About this time last year, I begin working on a new discipline – meditation. When most people think about meditation a bunch of weird, new age images pop into their heads. At least, it did for me. But, the more I read about the habits...