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A Swim in a Pond in the Rain – Book Review

George Saunders’ newest book, “A Swim in the Pond in the Rain” has the feel of auditing a Russian Literature class. And, that is by design.  My first exposure to George Saunder’s writing was Lincoln in the Bardo – a book that I really liked but found...

Commissioner’s Report – April 5th

Here’s your Commissioner’s Report for the week of April 5th. After a couple of weeks off, we resume our regular City Commission meetings this evening at 6 pm in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Below is a brief outline of tonight’s agenda.  City Commission...

Seven Habits I’m Using to Become a Better Me

I’ve heard it said that variety is the spice of life, but I must confess that I am a creature of habit. The good news is that I’m not alone. We all are creatures of habit, whether we realize it or not.  If you’ve read...

Commissioner’s Report – March 28 to April 3

No commission meeting this week, so today’s Commissioner’s Report is concerned with a couple of meetings I held recently on Civic Center Pool and the proposed pedestrian bridge project. By now I’m sure most people are aware of the work session we have this Tuesday...

Beautiful Day for Baseball

It’s rare these days for me to have an afternoon without some commitment. But since it’s Spring Break and things have slowed down a little we were able to escape for an afternoon of baseball. A friend has access to some amazing seats at Joker...

Cupcakes and Classroom VIPS

At least two pretty exciting events took place this week in the Sjoblom Household. Well, three if you count the candidate forums sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Bartow. Classroom Honors This week Max was selected as the classroom VIP in Mrs....

3.21.21 Commissioner’s Report – Athletic Facilities

Commission meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month – so no meeting this week. But we do have an important work session scheduled for this Wednesday to discuss our Athletic Facilities.  Work Session – Athletic Facilities it’s probably been about...

Candidate Forums – Live Stream Now Available

Last night the residents of Bartow had their first opportunity to hear from the candidates seeking election to the Bartow City Commission. The first of two Candidate Forums was live-streamed across YouTube and Facebook from the stage at Main Street Baptist Church in Bartow. The...