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The Launch of ScottSjoblom.com

After years of toying around with the idea I finally pulled the trigger and launched my own website. You may be wondering why… It isn’t a decision I came to lightly. I am a natural introvert (I just play extrovert very well when circumstances demand...

Show me your surprise face

From the day he was born Max has always been an expressive kid. Lately he has been working on his “Surprise” face. I have been trying to get him to show his mom. This was the result…...

Doin’ Work

It was a productive day around here despite Anna being sick the last few days. She began to feel better this afternoon. Just in time to begin working with Jenn on a school project due this Friday. Max and I took on a few projects...

Little stubs of history

Jennifer was going through old boxes of her belongings and came across these gems. I can’t believe the price of a movie ticket back then. Or that I paid money to see Eddie....


This morning I busted someone being a goofball in the mirror in Anna’s bathroom. He has such a great sense of humor. Of course, he is pure trouble and no doubt would have eventually ripped the mirror down so he could have danced on top...

A Year Later


Opposite Yet Similar

It would be difficult to imagine two more opposite kids. Physically, sure but there is more. Anna is thoughtful, reserved and has a sensitive spirit. Max… Max is pure Id. Raw emotion. No off switch or pause button. He is all GO or all STOP....

A Year Later

Yesterday was a special day around here. It wasn’t a birthday. It was an anniversary of sorts. A year ago yesterday, August 31st, we finalized our adoption of Max. I wrote briefly about it here. It seemed like such a formality at the time because...