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NC to DC Family Trip


Good News for Fellow Failures

One of the reasons we love to celebrate the turning of the new year is the promise of a fresh start. We can look forward with hope that in this next year we will somehow, maybe be a better version of our self. The problem...

Not a Bad Friday Evening

A little Bulleit and a fire are a fine way to spend an evening....

Christmas is for Everyone

Everything about the Christmas story is designed to remind us that the birth of Jesus is good news for everyone. The natural form of this world is to favor those with access to money, power, and privilege. The system is rigged. The rich get richer,...

Top Books of 2017

Maybe I am the one person in the world who looks forward to all the “Top __________ of 2017” lists that come out at this time of year. Almost without exception, I learn about some new app (album, movie, book). Books are about the only...

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Tom Petty was right, the waiting is the hardest part. Christmas has a good way of reminding us of this truth. Kids wait for the bounty of Christmas morning. Most adults though are waiting for something else. The world isn’t the way it should be....