We started Day 2 by heading back down to Rockafeller Center to see if we could catch some of the taping of the Today Show. Perhaps we just needed 15 minutes more fame.

When we arrived, we cleared security and headed around back where they were preparing to tape an outdoor cooking segment. The ladies grabbed a marker and some poster board and whipped up a couple of signs to say HI to our kids and the new babies in our Community Group. With some quick texts to friends who were able to DVR the show, we accomplished the mission.

Crazy moms!

After we finished signing autographs for our adoring fans, we hopped back on the subway and went to Washington Square. We walked through the park there. It was beautiful. We tried the NYU bookstore again and it was open. Even better it was the first day of a big clearance sale. I picked up a couple of shirts and a hat to try to fool people that I would be smart enough to get in there.

Today’s goal was to use our City Pass to see some of the highlights of the city. We could choose three things to do.

Up first was the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. I don’t really have the words to describe it, so I won’t really try, except to say that if you get the chance you should go. The horror of the day is offset by the courage of the first responders and heroes who ran toward absolute devastation when everyone else was running away. I was encouraged by the resiliency of the city. Truly a wonderful site. Go see it if you can.

Afterward, we walked down to the Stage Door Deli. We felt to get the true NYC experience we had to find a deli. My sandwich was great. It was crowded and hot but the food was delicious. I ate a cannoli for the first time. I didn’t really like it.

We left the deli and headed down to the financial district. We took in Wall Street and watched other people take really awkward pictures with the Bull statue out front. C’mon people…

One of the coolest sites was the Federal Building where Ol’ George himself took the oath of office on the front steps to be inaugurated as our first president.

We wrapped up our trip in the financial district and headed back to the room to clean up a bit before using our second pass. We had booked a late afternoon cruise up the Hudson River on the Hornblower Cruise’s “Alive After Five”. Imagine a kinda crappy nightclub, set on a boat in 3-4 seas. Yeah, it was that great! For a moment there I thought Jenn was going to toss her lunch the ship was rocking so bad. But, once we started moving we moved to the bow of the ship and things got much better. The views from the water were incredible!

The last leg of the tour took us right by the Statue of Liberty for a few more photo ops.

After docking, we bounced around to a couple pubs for drinks and appetizers. We took the subway into Grand Central Station. The pictures can’t do this place justice. It is enormous!

For the last pass, that evening we decided to head to the “Top of the Rock”. They allow visitors to go up to the very top of 30 Rockafeller Center- one of the tallest buildings in the city. From up there you have incredible views of the Skyline. I’m not going to lie. It was a little freaky. Especially when Jenn keeps sticking her arm through the glass barriers and leaning over to look down.

Typing that sentence made me want to barf. I was quite content to hang back by the wall, but everyone did get some nice pictures.

We cruised back over to Rattle and Hum to end another amazing and exhausting day. Our Fitbit (Apple Watches and Garmin) said we walked over 10 miles. I think we all felt it too…