God settles the lonely in families…

March 10 started like any other Thursday. I sat in my office praying for a kid I had never met. It was something I started doing about a month before. Once we received word we had been approved as foster parents I began praying for the child that would come into our home. This child would be the first we brought in. I didn’t know the gender, or the race, or the age, or even how many children there would be.

All I knew was there was a child living somewhere around us in a desperate circumstance.

So as I sat there praying for this kid my ADD got the better of me. I heard my computer ding with an email. I know, I shouldn’t have peeked but curiosity you know? Our agency alerts families about children coming into care via email:
We are looking for immediate foster placement for a two-day old black male.

We weren’t expecting an infant. And we weren’t expecting a boy. But I was in the middle of praying about this very thing…

I called Jennifer. Then Place of Hope. 3 hours later (and an expensive run to Target for diapers and bottles) Baby Boy Webster was dropped off at our home.

He never left. And as of today, he never will. After 18 months of loving him, he officially becomes one of our own- Jaymon Max Sjoblom.

I have more to say about this than anyone would ever want to read. My head swims with the ways Jennifer and I have been reminded of God’s goodness, his faithfulness, his care for the lonely and left behind. We are incredibly blessed by the staff of Place of Hope. They have walked with us through all the ups and downs. I am also very thankful for our friends at Youth for Christ, Truthpoint Church, and Lake Osborne who have gone out of their way to accommodate and minister to us.

This is a day for celebration. We rejoice for Max who gets a family. We rejoice for our selves who get a son. But mostly we rejoice that God was true to his promise in Psalm 68.

Welcome home buddy.