Here’s a leftover thought from yesterday’s Community Bible Reading from Ezra 10. Often times, the leader (or more spiritually mature person) has to go first in repentance.

Upon hearing that when they returned the Israelite exiles did what God told them not to do, Ezra is heartbroken and asks God for forgiveness (Ezra 9) Though he was not guilty of this offense, he still humbled himself and sought the Lord on behalf of those who were.

His personal repentance brought about the corporate repentance of the nation. This is hard. It is hard to ask for forgiveness for things that you may not be directly guilty of doing (at least it is for me!) Pride gets in the way.

I think the only way you are able to do it is when you can’t see your flourishing as being independent or separate from the group. We win together or lose together.

That is the proper attitude of all leaders, it’s just interesting that it also applies to our moment of greatest failure as well as our successes.