Posts filed under: Uncategorized

Course Corrections

It has been a while since my last post. Life gets in the way sometimes. Striking a balance between family, work, starting a new company, and being in school is a challenge. I’m not complaining. I am thankful for the opportunities that God is bringing... Read More

Weep With Those Who Weep

Last week was a very difficult one for a lot of people in my circle of friends. Two families, unconnected to one another, each lost someone too soon. In one case, a precious little boy- 6 years old. In another, a young man about to... Read More

Simple Steps to Finishing the Projects You Start

I wonder if you suffer from the same problem as me? I am a much better starter than finisher. My home and office can become a wasteland of unfinished projects. Generally speaking, I have no problem achieving liftoff. Landing the plane, however, can become a... Read More

Just Do Something

Yes, God does have a specific plan for our life. But it is not one he expects for us to figure out before we make a decision. Kevin DeYoung (@revkevdeyoung) “Just Do Something”... Read More