“So many days I want to give up. I’m so tired of non stop appointments, case plans, back and forth case worker phone calls, 3 times a week visits, not knowing what the day to day holds, your home is an open book with so many outside opinions. In these moments all I can think is I want my relaxing mornings back. Right now the hustle and bustle of kids off to school, tears, the screams, breakfast thrown on the floor x2, poopy diapers x2, toddlers going different directions climbing on top of tables or on a pursuit to find any light socket they can, naps thrown off course. I get children dressed for their visit with mom only for them to arrive back on my doorstep 30 mins later because “mom” cancelled (again). Not to mention I was about to head on a walk so that gets cancelled too. That is when I sigh, take a gulp, wrap him in my arms, give him a hug and kiss and press forward. I could easily go back to easy mornings but I’m reminded that this life is not for me. This little man does not deserve this any more than I deserve an easy morning. this is not easy for him so who am I to want my easy morning back. Jesus hung on the cross for me. He definitely did not take the easy route. He sacrificed himself for me. That will stop you in your tracks right there. I’m not going to lie, this is a hard season right now but onward and upward I will press so these children will know unconditional love. I have The Lord on my side. I will find my rest in him even though it feels tough to find rest in these current circumstances. I need prayer for strength… for me, my husband and my children. With Christ all things are possible.”

This made me thankful for a wife who does her best to care for the ones the world has left behind. We don’t know what the future holds or how long any of our foster kids will be with us but while they are here we will do our best to love them.