Quite a bit has changed in twelve months. This time last year we had two extra rug rats running around the house. As foster parents, our number of children seemed to constantly change.

The most we ever had at one time was four kids- 1 biological, 1 adopted & 2 foster children.

Those distinctions were purely legal though. Anyone who has fostered children will tell you that it doesn’t take long before any child that comes into your home becomes my child.

This year it will just be Anna and Max. When we moved back home to Bartow we did not relicense our home for foster care. With so much “newness” already, re-opening wouldn’t have been wise. That isn’t to say that we won’t eventually but for the time being we have pushed pause.

We miss our foster kids. They are all in good situations now, at least as far as we know. But we can’t help but think of them this time of year. Especially, when they were such a huge piece of lives in Christmases past.

As strange as it sounds, you come to embrace the madness. Having 2 kids doesn’t feel any easier than having 4. God kind of expands your capacity to deal with what you have to. There are even small moments when you come to enjoy it.

IMG_0476So, this year Christmas will be a little less crowded and that is ok. With Max now every bit of 2 years old, I doubt it will be much quieter. We will celebrate and have a great time with our family and friends. We will think of Jesus and all that he has done for our us. And, we will remember the little ones that he gave to us for a time and be thankful for them.

Merry Christmas Everyone!