The Gospel gives me the power to offer forgiveness to people I don’t want to forgive. In light of the forgiveness that has been given to me for my sin, how can refuse? Titus 3 tells me that at one time I was:

  • Foolish
  • Disobedient
  • Deceived
  • Enslaved

The people who wound me suffer from the same maladies. When I am angry or offended by them it is nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black. Instead, I must remember to see myself and other people through the lens of the Gospel. Because of the “kindness” and “love of God” I have been saved. If those who anger me as believers this is true of them as well.

If they do not know the Lord, there is nothing in my vengeful response that would make Him look attractive. I have the opportunity to display Christ’s love for them in my generous response and maybe see the Holy Spirit melt a hard heart. Lord help me remember this truth the next time I am tempted towards anger and frustration.